Growing up I was a strictly tea and hot chocolate drinker. As a working adult who is usually up way before dawn, I have only recently fallen in love with flavored coffee. And boy, I’ve fallen hard. It’s the first thing I reach for in the morning at home and it’s so easily accessible for a small fee on every corner when I’m away from home.
But I’m not here to denounce tea or coffee drinkers at all. You get enough of that everywhere else! To each’s own. But what I will do is share with you this daily wellness shot I have reintroduced into my life.
The one on my current rotation right now is this ginger and lemon one. It’s nothing new or fancy. It’s been around for years as a matter-of-fact. A tonic that’s been passed down from mothers and grandmothers. I’ve added to my routine before I get to the coffee and after I’ve had my first glass of water. It’s a way I add some goodness into my body at the start of each day.
It’s so simple and basic but so necessary, I felt that I had to share it. I give this to my kids every morning. At first, they suffered through it but now they expect it. It’s sour and tingly at the same time and definitely makes your mouth pucker.
How I Drink it
I take it in one of 3 ways. First, as a shot. 1-2 oz. straight to the head, followed by a glass of water. That will definitely wake you up!
Second, I like to make a tea out of it and sip it slowly. I add about a cup of warm water. Sometimes I’ll even add some to my green tea for an even greater boost.
The third way I drink it is chilled. Add honey, a bit of water and some ice for a cool, refreshing drink.
I usually drink it in the mornings, but honestly I’d drink it anytime of day for a warm soothing feeling.
Health Benefits
Research shows there are many health benefits of both lemon and ginger. Here are just a few:
-A rich source of vitamin C, which studies have shown to be an immunity booster
– A natural antioxidant
-May soothe nausea and aid in digestion
-May boost immune system health due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
7 oz. Ginger
4 cups Water
6 Lemons
Grate ginger with a food processor, blender or by hand.
Add water and grated ginger into a large saucepan.
Bring it to a boil and remove from heat.
Let it stand for 30 mins to 1 hour.
Juice the lemons.
Pour ginger and water mixture through a mesh sieve into a container with a lid such as a pitcher or jar.
Add the lemon juice poured through the mesh sieve to the mixture.
Store in the refrigerator for about a week.
Remember, this can be enjoyed as is or used as a base. There are so many other things you can add to it like turmeric, garlic or cayenne pepper for even more health benefits.
Happy Health Boosting!
XO, Kareen
dr sue says
Love this
Beverly Dixon says
Great morning start to the day, and a really necessary addition to our bodies at this time with COVID on the rise.
Keri says
Great recipe!
Antoinette Drummond says
I usually drink the lemon and water but now I will add the ginger to it. Thank you
Connie-Jo Hall says
I can’t wait to try your recipe. I have been looking for a healthy and quick way to boost my Vitamin C intake.
Ethnie Newman says
Great sending this out, as you mentioned this is not new. I am sure it will be new to a lot of people. I have been doing this for a while now and I can attest to its beneficial health benefits.
Vivette Johnson says
Hi Karean it’s Auntie Vivette I don’t expect you to remember me its been such a long time but I do something similar plus garlic in it twice a day my whole family.
Love you longing to see you and my goddaughter